Submitted by Ken Foyder
I am in this picture somewhere . I believe it was taken in 1957, Miss Sedlaka's 4th grade. Some easy ones to identify: Tom Valentine(far right), next to him Craig Bliss, to the far left is Phil Howe, behind him two rows back Carmela Gioio. I will leave the rest for you guys to have fun with. HELP ME OUT!!
The more I look at the pictue the more people I can identify. In the front row is that Devilish Victor Ballasone, behind him is Jim Levin (in the Hat). I would bet that Kathy Hassett could help on some of the front row girls.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Roosevelt School - 4th Grade
Submitted by Kathy Keane Simonson
I was taking the picture so I am not in it. I know all but two names.
First row...Janet Lips, Elaine Surack, Maura Ward, Leslie Ward, Walter Deering, Peter Lane, Phil Leggio, Dean Ross.
Second Row. Howard Young, (??), Sandra Rand, Jody Rapp, Frank Sherwood, Carolyn Carswell, (??).
Third Row. Steven Fitch, Randy Goldsborough, ? Udell, Bob Lavery, Marianne Indusi.
- Kathy Keane Simonson
I was taking the picture so I am not in it. I know all but two names.
First row...Janet Lips, Elaine Surack, Maura Ward, Leslie Ward, Walter Deering, Peter Lane, Phil Leggio, Dean Ross.
Second Row. Howard Young, (??), Sandra Rand, Jody Rapp, Frank Sherwood, Carolyn Carswell, (??).
Third Row. Steven Fitch, Randy Goldsborough, ? Udell, Bob Lavery, Marianne Indusi.
- Kathy Keane Simonson
Monday, October 12, 2009
Washington School - 2nd Grade
Submitted by Linda Calabro McCaffrey via Sue Swanson
Linda sent these photos to Sue and Sue submitted them. Sue noted that the names were written in magic marker and she couldn't read most of them.
First row: Sue Swanson, Esther Batista (?), Carol Moshier (?) Linda Calabro.
Can anyone help us identify some more of these cute little kids?
Ted Frerking: Wallie Festa next to Linda Calabro. Standing 2nd to left is Peter Stengel. Next to Peter is Vinnie Branccachio. 2nd to the right of Vinnie is Jim Evans. Ted Frerking (me) in back of girl next to Jim. Tony D'Amico between the 2 girls.
How 'bout ID-ing some of these cute little dancers?
Looks like Carol Moshier and Linda Calabro in the center...
Linda sent these photos to Sue and Sue submitted them. Sue noted that the names were written in magic marker and she couldn't read most of them.
Can anyone help us identify some more of these cute little kids?
Ted Frerking: Wallie Festa next to Linda Calabro. Standing 2nd to left is Peter Stengel. Next to Peter is Vinnie Branccachio. 2nd to the right of Vinnie is Jim Evans. Ted Frerking (me) in back of girl next to Jim. Tony D'Amico between the 2 girls.
How 'bout ID-ing some of these cute little dancers?
Looks like Carol Moshier and Linda Calabro in the center...
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Barbara Gagliardi McGlynn
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Senior Class Play: The Curious Savage
Senior Prom Memories
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Collection of Memories
Roosevelt School - 6th Grade
Submitted by Ken Foyder
Roosevelt School - 6th Grade
Hope that I can receive some help identifying classmates. I am unable to identify all of the members. Can anyone help? Wow , How we have changed since 1958!
- Ken Foyder
Linda Scott Salemi:
I believe the row of girls is as follows: Mary Ann Vargo, Carmella Verzello, Marny Wilson (or was it Stanley?), Linda Knapp, and Margaret Ferris or Ferrias. (You probably should get some confirmation... but that is who I think they are.) Also, I believe the 5th boy in from the left is John Heckimeyer.
Anonymous: Is the 4th boy from the left Eric Anderson? Darn - so familiar but can't rmember the names!
Pook: Or is it Chet Evans. Gosh, was there a Chet Evans? Don't know where I pulled that from!
Ray Tuttle: That is Chet Evans. However, he did not graduate with us as he went to Stepinac. I believe the tall guy (2nd from right) is Brian Kamrowski.
Pook: I don't think that's Brian, but could be wrong. Can someone help us out with this one?
Brian Kamrowski: You were right in that it was not me, but I think maybe it was Joe Pettinelli. I still have the old Wizard and it looks like him.
Pook: I'm not so sure it's Joe... but, again, I could definitely be wrong.
Roosevelt School - 6th Grade
Hope that I can receive some help identifying classmates. I am unable to identify all of the members. Can anyone help? Wow , How we have changed since 1958!
- Ken Foyder
Linda Scott Salemi:
I believe the row of girls is as follows: Mary Ann Vargo, Carmella Verzello, Marny Wilson (or was it Stanley?), Linda Knapp, and Margaret Ferris or Ferrias. (You probably should get some confirmation... but that is who I think they are.) Also, I believe the 5th boy in from the left is John Heckimeyer.
Anonymous: Is the 4th boy from the left Eric Anderson? Darn - so familiar but can't rmember the names!
Pook: Or is it Chet Evans. Gosh, was there a Chet Evans? Don't know where I pulled that from!
Ray Tuttle: That is Chet Evans. However, he did not graduate with us as he went to Stepinac. I believe the tall guy (2nd from right) is Brian Kamrowski.
Pook: I don't think that's Brian, but could be wrong. Can someone help us out with this one?
Brian Kamrowski: You were right in that it was not me, but I think maybe it was Joe Pettinelli. I still have the old Wizard and it looks like him.
Pook: I'm not so sure it's Joe... but, again, I could definitely be wrong.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Park School - Kindergarten B/AM and M/AM
Submitted by Jill Irving Sherwood and Sue Swanson
Thanks to Jill Irving Sherwood and Sue Swanson for sending in the two Park School Kindgergarten photos below.
Let's see if we can start ID-ing all these folks!
Kdg. B/AM:
Kdg. M/AM:
Front Row: Kenny Everett, ?, Tom Rose, ?, ?, Bill Coleman, Jim Manning, ?, Toni Chambers
Back Row: Betty Bohlig, Doris Abreau, Sue Swanson, ?, ?, Beverly Pennock, ?, ?, Julia Wrzecionkowski, ?, Arlene Gabrielian, Margery Anderson, ?.
- Sue Swanson
Sue: Do you think it is Mike Haviland next to Bill Coleman, and David Chrapowitsky next to Mike? How about Janet LIps next to Bev Pennock?
This is driving me nuts! LOL
Pam Orts Siegel: O.K., I can't stand it any longer! I think I can help out with filling in some of the names for the Park School AM and PM Kindergarten pictures.
I am sending this info. to you in hope that it helps??
Thanks and see you soon. Pam Orts Siegel
Sandy Rand Klein:
For Kdg. B/AM:
The little girl (number 2) is me, Sandy Rand (Klein). Some of you have such great memories.
Thanks to Jill Irving Sherwood and Sue Swanson for sending in the two Park School Kindgergarten photos below.
Let's see if we can start ID-ing all these folks!
Kdg. B/AM:
I think the third boy in from left is David Palombo and.... I KNOW the 7th boy in from left is Bobby Lauer, and the 8th from left is most likely John Totels and 11th from left I think is Tony Boscia.
My take on the girls:
-Front row 2nd from left is Sandra Rand
-Back a little, but dead center, is Lesley Nelson
-Front row, 2nd from right I believe is Lillian Guadagn
-Front row 2nd from left is Sandra Rand
I am sure if enough people write in to you, it will probably be confirmed.
- Linda Scott Salemi
Thanks to David Perugini for numbering this picture and to Jill Irving Sherwood for sending along this list:
# 8 is me. The positive id was made by my Mother!
- Roger Wolters
- Linda Scott Salemi
Thanks to David Perugini for numbering this picture and to Jill Irving Sherwood for sending along this list:
Jill: is my guess(!)
4 Lillian Guadagn
5 Jill Irving
7 Kenny Shull
8 Roger Wolters
9 Jean McIntosh
10 Leslie Nelson
12 Rosemary Vespa
13 Willard Cofield
14 Preston Adams
15 David Palumbo
16 Angelo Valenti
19 Bobby Lauer
Not sure of the people in Jill Irving's photo, but my guesses for some of the blank numbers are:
Not sure of the people in Jill Irving's photo, but my guesses for some of the blank numbers are:
# 1: Jimmie Rasco?
# 2: Sandra Rand?
# 3: Margery Anderson??
# 6:
# 8: Anthony D'Amico??
#12: Barbara Gagliardi? (you thought this might be Rosemary Vespa)
#17: Thomas Sutton??
#18: Frank Tittleback??
#20: John Totels?
#21: Richard Minter??
#23: Anthony Boscia?
#24: Carleton West?
I was a Lincoln Elementary School/Claremont Elementary School rat, so these are just guesses on my part. None of those guys would have come under my radar until Junior High. The more question marks, the greater the guess. I tried to match kindergarten faces to senior faces from our yearbook.
- David Perugini
# 8 is me. The positive id was made by my Mother!
- Roger Wolters
Kdg. M/AM:
Front Row: Kenny Everett, ?, Tom Rose, ?, ?, Bill Coleman, Jim Manning, ?, Toni Chambers
Back Row: Betty Bohlig, Doris Abreau, Sue Swanson, ?, ?, Beverly Pennock, ?, ?, Julia Wrzecionkowski, ?, Arlene Gabrielian, Margery Anderson, ?.
- Sue Swanson
Sue: Do you think it is Mike Haviland next to Bill Coleman, and David Chrapowitsky next to Mike? How about Janet LIps next to Bev Pennock?
This is driving me nuts! LOL
Pam Orts Siegel: O.K., I can't stand it any longer! I think I can help out with filling in some of the names for the Park School AM and PM Kindergarten pictures.
Park School B/AM Kindergarten
(numbered picture)
(numbered picture)
1. Sharron Sharrock
2. Sandra Rand
3. Donna Neal
4. ?
5. Jill Irving
6. ?
7. Kenny Shull (spelling?)
8. Anthony D'Amico
9. Jeannie Mc Intosh
10. Lesley Nelson
11. ?
12. ?
13. Willard Cofield
14. Preston Adams
15. David Palumbo
16. Angelo Valenti
17. Alfred Cooper
18. Philip Leggio
19. Bobby Lauer
19. Bobby Lauer
20. John Totels
21. ?
23. Tony Boscia
24. Carleton West
Park School M/AM Kindergarten
Back Row: Left to Right
Ina Lederman, Doris Abreau, Sue Swanson, ?, ?, Beverly Pennock, ?, Pam Orts, Julia Wrzecionkowski, ?, Arlene Gabrielian, Margery Anderson
Front Row:
(in wagon) Jimmy Everett, ? Tom Rose, David Chrapowitzky, Billy Coleman, ?, Girl on right with doll carriage is definitely Toni Chambers.
Thanks and see you soon. Pam Orts Siegel
Sandy Rand Klein:
For Kdg. B/AM:
The little girl (number 2) is me, Sandy Rand (Klein). Some of you have such great memories.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Park School - Kindergarten B/PM
Submitted by Bill Bruni
Thanks to Bill Bruni for sharing this photo of his Kindergarten class at Park School.
We need some help here... can you identify any of these cute little kids?
From Linda Scott Salemi:
First Row boys sitting: 3rd from left: Richard Henry 1st on right: Bill Bruni
Girls: Left side holding her chin: Ginny Stephens, Two girls to right of her holding her hands in lap with dotted collar: Ruth Schrader, Girl seated behind Bill Bruni: Phyllsi Strippoli, Girl seated to left of Phyllis: Debbie Pidgeon. Back row: 2nd boy from left: Jimmy Washburn. 3rd boy from left: Frank Hopper
Just my guess....
Pook: Is that Bob Vail in back, far right?
Joe D'Angelo: First Row boys sitting:1st from left: Joe D'Angelo, second from left Mike Weir
Gene Longo: Boy to the right of Frank Hopper is Gene Longo. Seated boys, third from right is Lou Zerbo, I think. After all, it was 100 years ago.
Richie Henry: I think Ann Marie Dalton is right in front of Mrs. Brannock, no?
Thanks to Bill Bruni for sharing this photo of his Kindergarten class at Park School.
We need some help here... can you identify any of these cute little kids?
From Linda Scott Salemi:
First Row boys sitting: 3rd from left: Richard Henry 1st on right: Bill Bruni
Girls: Left side holding her chin: Ginny Stephens, Two girls to right of her holding her hands in lap with dotted collar: Ruth Schrader, Girl seated behind Bill Bruni: Phyllsi Strippoli, Girl seated to left of Phyllis: Debbie Pidgeon. Back row: 2nd boy from left: Jimmy Washburn. 3rd boy from left: Frank Hopper
Just my guess....
Pook: Is that Bob Vail in back, far right?
Joe D'Angelo: First Row boys sitting:1st from left: Joe D'Angelo, second from left Mike Weir
Gene Longo: Boy to the right of Frank Hopper is Gene Longo. Seated boys, third from right is Lou Zerbo, I think. After all, it was 100 years ago.
Richie Henry: I think Ann Marie Dalton is right in front of Mrs. Brannock, no?
Park School - Mrs. Olson's 6th Grade Class
The Misfits
Submitted by Bill Bruni
Thanks to Bill Bruni for sharing this photo of the MISFITS, who represented Ossining in the quarter-finals of the Intermediate B division of the annual Westchester Amateur Basketball Tournament in White Plains. They beat Pelham 57-45!
Top: Ken Shull, Richard LaBrake, Brian Kamrowski
Bottom: Bill Bruni, Ron Cardinale, Bob Cornelis
I saw the photo of the "Misfits" from Bill. I don't know if he remembers me but I was the manager of that team. (To this day, I don't know how that happened.) Anyway, we made it to the finals and lost to Don Bosco in the championship game at the County Center. I still have the trophy somewhere in all my stuff. Just thought I'd shake his memory.
Thanks to Bill Bruni for sharing this photo of the MISFITS, who represented Ossining in the quarter-finals of the Intermediate B division of the annual Westchester Amateur Basketball Tournament in White Plains. They beat Pelham 57-45!
Top: Ken Shull, Richard LaBrake, Brian Kamrowski
Bottom: Bill Bruni, Ron Cardinale, Bob Cornelis
I saw the photo of the "Misfits" from Bill. I don't know if he remembers me but I was the manager of that team. (To this day, I don't know how that happened.) Anyway, we made it to the finals and lost to Don Bosco in the championship game at the County Center. I still have the trophy somewhere in all my stuff. Just thought I'd shake his memory.
- Bob Cox
Friday, March 27, 2009
May 1970
Submitted by Pook Siprin Bellini
- Nancy Teitelbaum Kaye
L to R: Morey Kaye, Liz Kessler, Emily Rosenberg, and Nancy Teitelbaum Kaye
Hey, those are some fantastic lookin' kids!!3/28/09
- Nancy Teitelbaum Kaye
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
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